October 24

My Bucket List

My Bucket List

1. Go to Rome!

2. Hold a Panda!

3. Be a gymnastics teacher!

4. Go on a cruise!

5. Be a better writer!

6. Go to London!

7.Go sky diving

8. Go to Sydney!

9. Get my own house!

10. Learn to drive a car!

11. See my cousins in Argentina.

12. Go to Queensland again.

13. Live in Normanville.

14. Type faster.

15. Do a arial on the grass.

October 24

My favorite animal

My Favorite animal


Hi my name is Alessia and my favorite animal is a panda. I like this animal because it is very cute and fluffy. I also like them because they are very, very cuddly. I love pandas so so so so so so so so much! Pandas are the cutest animal.


Pandas are black and white and really fluffy. You can find them in the zoo and some times in other places. Panda’s can be rough but some times they can be cute. Pandas eat many leaves and from different kinds of trees.


Pandas live in lots of places like the zoo it IS so cool that they can live in many different places they also live in the  jungle the jungle for them is really good because they can run around. Pandas live in the jungle so the can eat things from the tree.

Pandas eat bamboo from trees they eat that because they can’t eat anything else. Pandas love bamboo so so so so so much. they eat it all the time. They eat it  for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


Pandas run around a lot because they have lots of  energy.  They have a huge place to live in the jungle. Pandas like to play fight in their huge place. 

October 24


Weir Do

Hello my name is Alessia. I started reading the book series Weir Do last year. The books are so funny! Whenever I read the book I laugh so much, and all my friends do too.

In Weir Do some of the characters are Weir’s Mum, Weir’s Dad, Weir’s sister Sally, and Weir’s little brother Roger.  His brother likes to eat dirt and likes to play with it. He also likes to play with worms! There’s also Weir’s friend Henry, he is as funny as weirdo. There’s also a guy called Blake Green and he is so naughty and rude to the teachers and the principle!

Also in Weirdo there is a kid called Hans, he always says ‘LOL’. He also says ‘totely cool’ all the time. Like all the time. There is also a kid called Bella Allen, Weir likes Bella Allen a lot. There is also Weir’s Grandad. He is so funny and he has fake teeth! It is so funny when he always pulls them out. So that’s why he makes everyone laugh their heads off. There also is Weir’s Grandma. And she is the funniest in the family. She dresses up in all kinds of costumes it’s so funny!!!  Thankyou for reading an I hope you read the book ‘Weir Do’ by Anh Do!!!